Tuesday, May 21, 2013



With one thing, comes another...When it rains, it pours...you pick your quote for this. It seems like everything around here is just a huge ball of chaos, and I can't believe that in less than two weeks, all of my kids will be home...ALL DAY...EVERYDAY...for MONTHS.

I actually really enjoy it, when we can just pick up and go, without the time restraints, and no early morning shuffle to get out the door. I like being able to sit with them on rainy days, and cuddle on the couch, and do little projects and the like. But, the constant bickering, yelling, and fighting, is enough to knock the sanest person off their rocker.

 So, I am taking a little time off, to get grounded, before the  madness of summer happens. I want to get as many things in order as possible. This post is actually brought about, because, our deep freezer in the garage, was unplugged, and all of it's contents, now needs to be cooked...TODAY. Our downstairs, is completely torn apart, because of the flooding that happened, a few weeks ago, and our lives are in complete disarray. I literally feel, like for the last 6 months or so, any metaphorical shit that there has been around here...has hit the metaphorical fan.

There is often a breaking point for everyone. For so long, you keep yourself together, your chin is firmly pointed toward the sky, and your back is straight, and then one day, the freezer gets unplugged, and your status of being "bad ass" goes to "I'm losing my mind, and I'm taking EVERYONE DOWN WITH ME!" You're thawed out meat in the freezer, has thawed all your internal emotions with it. You have a brief meltdown, followed by a few choice sailor words, and then you move on...why...because....(see image below).

It's not the freezer. It's not the meat. It's the fact that shit happens. We all keep things in, and then BAM, we go from seemingly calm and collected to a crazy hot mess. It's life, and it's expected, so we then have our little human melt down, and put our super mom capes back on, and then fight the evil that is, the unplugged freezer of thawed food.

So, don't feel bad, about losing it ever once in a while. We don't have to wear our capes all the time, it's okay to be human. It's okay to use your arsenal of sailor words (I use mine on a daily basis), and it's okay to admit, that sometimes, you need to just have a break. So, that's what I'm doing. I'm taking a break. An emotional break. I'm taking some time to let myself.... just be! I'm not totally sure how, and in what ways, but I figure, when it happens, I will know, and I will give myself the permission, to just take the break I need, and be okay with it. I want to get some things done, that I haven't been able to put focus into, I want things to run smoothly (as smoothly as it can with 5 kids), and to do that, I need to refocus my mind, and give myself the permission, to not be so pressured. I have found, that on it's own, just giving myself the right, to own that feeling of "freedom" from the pressure, and being alright with it, has made me more at peace. All is well, and always will be. So, I'm off to enjoy a day of cooking, and whatever else may happen, while giving myself the permission, to just be human...Because.....(read image below)


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